Category 100: Vegetable Beer

(Peanuts are considered a vegetable but will be judged in the Peanut Butter category.)
Can range from pale to very dark depending on the underlying style, and may be influenced by the color of added ingredients.
Clear to hazy is acceptable.
Perceived Malt Aroma and Flavor:
Very low to medium-high
Perceived Hop Aroma and Flavor:
Very low to medium-high
Fermentation Characteristics:
Varies with underlying style
Varies with underlying style
Additional Notes:
Vegetable aromas, ranging from subtle to intense, should be evident, and should not be overpowered by hop aromas. Field Beers are any beers incorporating vegetables as flavor or carbohydrate adjuncts in either the mash, kettle, primary or secondary fermentation. The vegetable character should be in harmony with other attributes and can range from subtle to intense. Within the framework of these guidelines, coconut is defined as a vegetable, and beers containing coconut should be entered as Field Beers. All beers containing chili peppers should be categorized as Chili Beers. Beers containing nuts should be categorized as Field Beers. When using these guidelines as the basis for evaluating entries at competitions, brewers may be asked to provide supplemental information about entries in this category to allow for accurate evaluation of diverse entries. Such information might include the underlying beer style upon which the entry is based, or other information unique to the entry such as vegetable(s) used or processing which influence perceived sensory outcomes.
Alcohol by Volume:
SRM Color: