Category 50: Strong Scotch Ale
Peated Strong Scotch Ale
Ranges from deep copper to brown.
Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.
Perceived Malt Aroma and Flavor:
Dark roasted malt flavors and aroma may be evident at low levels. The clean alcohol flavor balances the rich and dominant sweet maltiness in flavor and aroma.
Perceived Hop Aroma and Flavor:
Hop flavor and aroma are very low or nonexistent.
Fermentation Characteristics:
Fruity esters are generally at medium aromatic and flavor levels. Low diacetyl levels are acceptable.
Scotch ales are overwhelmingly malty and full bodied. A caramel character is often a part of the profile.
Additional Notes:
Though there is little evidence suggesting that traditionally made strong Scotch ales exhibited peat smoke character, the current marketplace offers many strong Scotch ales with peat or smoke character present at low to medium levels. Thus, entries in this Subcategory may exhibit a peaty/smoky character at low levels (ales with medium or higher smoke character would be considered a smoke flavored beer and considered in another category).
Alcohol by Volume:
SRM Color: