Category 135: Kellerbier or Zwickelbier

Varies depending on the underlying European origin lager or ale style
Typically slightly hazy to moderately cloudy, but may become clear through settling. A small amount of yeast haze is acceptable and traditional.
Perceived Malt Aroma and Flavor:
Varies depending on the underlying style
Perceived Hop Aroma and Flavor:
Varies depending on underlying style. Low level attributes typical of late or dry hopping may be present in some versions.
Fermentation Characteristics:
Low levels of sulfur and acetaldehyde or other volatiles normally scrubbed during fermentation, if present, can enhance the flavor of these beers. Low fruity esters may be present and may vary slightly from the underlying style due to age and the presence of yeast. Diacetyl is usually absent in these beers but may be present at low levels in keller versions of beer styles which can contain diacetyl when fully aged, such as Bohemian-Style Lager.
Varies depending on underlying style
Additional Notes:
Kellerbier or Zwickelbiers are unfiltered versions of lager or ale styles of European origin. These can include traditional Helles, Dunkel, Dortmunder, Vienna, Rotbier, Bohemian, European Dark, Koelsch, Alt, as well as less common traditional or contemporary European-origin lager and ale styles. Carbonation may be below levels typical of the underlying beer style, which may result in decreased head retention. These beers are typically unfiltered, but they may be filtered and then redosed with yeast. Whether filtered or unfiltered these beers are packaged and served with very low to moderate amounts of yeast. *When using these guidelines as the basis for evaluating entries at competitions, brewers may be asked to provide supplemental information about entries in this category to allow for accurate evaluation of diverse entries. Such information should include the underlying European-origin lager or ale style upon which the entry is based. Competition organizers may create subcategories which reflect groups of entries based on ale or lager yeast type or hue.*
Alcohol by Volume:
Varies with style
Varies with style
SRM Color:
Varies with style
